What is a door drop
When you pick up a pile of post from your letterbox, you’re holding a huge variety of mail types. Pieces in different formats, sent from different people in different ways. There’s ad mail and business mail, door drops and direct mail, programmatic mail and partially addressed mail.
Today, Dragonfly are shining a spotlight on one particular type of mail – door drops. Here we’ll explain exactly what a door drop is and how it can help deliver more than just another piece of post onto a doormat.
What is a door drop?
A door drop is an unaddressed piece of mail – a flyer, brochure, letter, postcard or even a booklet of vouchers that is delivered through your letterbox. When people think of door drops, brands like Domino’s, Specsavers, and Mr. Delivery all spring to mind as do the door drops you receive when there is a General Election and politicians are canvassing for your vote.
Is a door drop just a leaflet?
No. Leaflets are a format, whereas door drops are a postage method.
Why do brands use door drops?
When done right, door drops are a really great way to engage with many people quickly and effectively. In fact, 80% of the UK’s top advertisers use door drops. In South Africa this medium is used in neighbourhoods or communities by estate agents and retailers in local areas near their stores. Not only are they a cost-effective way to reach a large volume of people, but companies can choose the exact week in which to send their mail piece, so the door drop can land at a time when their competitors mail won’t.
Do I need a database to send a door drop?
The good news is you don’t need an existing database to send a door drop. If you’re trying to grow your customer base, you can reach cold targets that are relevant to you by sending your door drops based on postcode sectors, or drive time to your business.
Why would I use a door drop for my business?
Door drops have a great variety of use. Dragonfly often recommend them to our clients who open a new office, shop or restaurant in a new location. This is because they can announce their arrival to the right people and reach out to them in a way that digital simply can’t. Plus, their cost-effective nature means a little budget goes a long way. Postcodes can be selected based on geography as well as affluence and other identifying criteria that can make the drops more targeted and relevant to the business.
Don’t door drops just go straight in the bin?
No! Statistics from the UK shows that 73% of door drop items are opened, read, filed or set away for later. South African statistics from the DMA support this. If you’re sending something that looks spammy, then people will treat it like spam. But, if you’re sending a nicely designed piece that’s relevant to the householder, then the piece will hit its target.
Are door drops POPI compliant?
Yes, as door drops don’t rely on profiling any personal data, they are 100% POPI compliant.
Are door drops good value for money?
Yes! 90% of campaigns that included door drops saw an increase in new customers, compared to 59% of those without. A UK case study even saw a ROI of 22:1.
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